Best time to change profile picture on Facebook 2024

Once in a while, many Facebook users change their profile picture, but most of them do it randomly time’s. Changing your profile picture in unlikely times may affect the reach of your post to your friends and followers. In order to help find the best time to change your profile picture on Facebook 2024, we’ve collected some valuable tips that will make achieve maximum exposure.


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What’s the Best time to change your profile picture on Facebook 2024?


Knowing the Best time to change your profile picture on Facebook can actually be determined by many factors such as the location of your friends, the most active times of your audience on social media, special days…etc


Let’s start with the location, let’s say that most of your follower’s friends are from the USA-New york, then we suggest you upload it when New York people are most active on social media, you can also use the time zone as the main measure, the analytics says that the majority of people are checking their phones after ending their shifts in work or school. for example, you can post your new picture between around 3-pm to 6-pm according to NY time.

To get the greatest total Facebook engagement on your posts, you should know the exact time that most of your audience is online on social media. If you have a Facebook page you can easily do that by checking the “Insights” section, If you have a Facebook personal profile you can see how many friends are active by going to your Facebook account, then clicking on the contact from the right side. This will show you a list of your friends’ names of their recent active times.

For some specific days, the advice above may be variable at some points, for example, on holidays people be less busy which allows them more to spend time on social media, so we can say that on holidays or weekends, it can be more likely to post on around 11-am to 6-pm according to your friends time zone, also do not post to early in the morning or too late at night, most people can be sleep at these times.