Best gaming laptop in 2024
The laptop industry has changed a lot from earlier, so it is possible to obtain a highly efficient portable gaming laptop that many people go for. However, as a gamer, it is always recommended to choose the desktop version which can perform…
How To Delete Your Twitter Account Permanently (2024)
Twitter is one of the most famous social media platforms, it has about a 400million users around the world so it is free and easy to use, also it has strong hashtag power which allows you to reach a big audience and follow last updates and…
The Best Movies of 2024, So Far
from time to time everybody whatever their work or study pressure would like to take a break and enjoy watching some movies.
Sometimes is not easy to find the best movie to watch, maybe you have watched so many movies that you didn't…
The Best Apps to Watch Movies for Free on Android 2024
In Today's world, most people use their phones to watch different types of things. Movies and series aren't stay limited to TV and Cinema like in the old days, in fact now can anybody watch films and TV shows just by using a small screen.…
How to screen record audio on mac with headphones 2024
Do you want to record a video using a Mac with headphones plugged on? Maybe you tried to do this process, but generally, the computer uses a multimedia speaker, or it does not record any sound.
Apple is making it a little tricky for…
Best Free International Texting Apps in 2024
Thanks to today's technology texting have become one of the easiest and fastest things that you can do. Besides the social media platforms such as Facebook, and WhatsApp, we have the main texting SMS that still most people still prefer to…
The 20 Best Budget Phones of 2024
The new year of 2023 is expected to see the launch of some of the most powerful smartphones, but if you want to buy a new phone, whether Android or iPhone, the best budget phone 2024 available for purchase now includes the best leading…
Best Free Video Editing Apps for iPhone in 2024
Nowadays, video editing is no longer limited to computers. There are many editing apps for iPhone that are designed to do the same task allowing you to edit your videos and create professional video content just by using your phone and…
How to delete Cash App history 2024
Cash App is one of the best services that allows users simply send and receive money in their accounts, it processes millions of transactions every day, using its greatly developed technology to provide easy and safe payments between users.…